Wednesday, April 9, 2014



5TH Wednesday of Lent

Read Matthew 26:14-25.

Who initiated the deal between Judas & the chief priests?  Why do you think each of the disciples asked if they were the betrayer?

Imagine yourself sitting at the table with Jesus as he announces someone there would betray him.  What question do you ask?

Notes on the text:

“30 pieces of silver,” the price of betrayal, is only mentioned in Matthew.  The value of 30 silver shekels was 120 days’ wages.  The same amount is paid to the rejected shepherd in Zechariah 11:13 & is also the compensation for the loss of a slave in Exodus 21:32.

The Passover lamb was slaughtered and consumed on the 14th day of the month of Nissan.  The Passover commemorated the night the Angel of Death passed over the firstborn of the House of Israel and slew the firstborn of the Egyptians.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread began on the Passover and continued through the 21st day of Nissan.  It marked the trials of the Israelites who fled so swiftly from their homes in Egypt, they did not even have time for their bread to rise.

While Judas phrases his question in verse 25 to imply the answer will be negative, Jesus’ response implies that Judas would not have asked the question had the answer not been affirmative.

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