Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Daily Scripture Reflection - April 2

Wednesday Fourth Week of Lent


Isaiah 49: 8-15

John 5: 17-30


In the first reading Israel is in exile and despondent, thinking that God had forgot them.  Isaiah the prophet reassures them that there are no limits to God’s love, and uses the love of a mother for her child as an example of God’s love for them.  Isaiah says that God will deliver them.  There will be a new exodus during which God will lead them like a shepherd.


Israel had to learn to trust in God and so do we!


In the gospel, the religious leaders complain that Jesus is not following the law of Sabbath rest because he cures people on the Sabbath.  Jesus defends his curing on the Sabbath and gets the religious leaders to admit that God could not rest on the Sabbath.  If he did the world would cease to exist.  Jesus then says that since the Father does not rest on the Sabbath, neither does the Son.


The religious leaders understand the implications of this – Jesus was making himself equal to God and that was something they couldn’t accept. Jesus continues to tell them that he can do greater things than miracles.  He can give spiritual life to those who are dead in sin; and he can judge men – giving life or condemnation depending on whether they accept him or reject him.


This reading is an invitation to us to renew our faith in Christ as the giver of new life.  This Lent we need to let the Lord forgive our sins and give us life!


By Fr. Bill Kramer

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