Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Daily Scripture Reflection - April 15


Isaiah 49:1-6

John 13:21-33, 36-38

Here it is.  The moment of truth.  Destiny.  This is the reason Jesus had been sent.  And the moment had arrived.  He tells Judas to go ahead and do what Judas intends to do.  Jesus knows what the following hours will bring.  He knows that even his best friend will desert him.  He faces his appointed hour with a mixture of anguish and courage.

Our destiny as Christians is to practice our faith in the everyday moments of life.  It is easy to be a Christian until the alarm rings.  It is in dealing with other people, living out our responsibilities and obligations, being accountable to family, friends, bosses, and society that we find our faith difficult to practice.  Sometimes we think our faith is only tested in the big moments:  our company is downsized; our house is foreclosed; our child dies; our spouse leaves; our diagnosis is cancer.  These events test us, too, but it is much more often that our faith is tested in little ways.  Do we or do we not hold the elevator door when we are running late? 

Christ died for us, and we are called to face death over and over as we practice our faith.  We are called to give ourselves over for little deaths of varying degrees of anguish.  We are called to face our lives with the courage we derive from our faith so that we can practice that faith in very real ways moment by moment throughout our lives.  Our moment of truth is here and now, the present, this very second.

  • By Lisa Lenard Chiles

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