Monday, March 10, 2014

Lenten Bible Study


1ST Monday of Lent

Read Matthew 21:12-17

Picture the scene in your head: Jesus flipping over tables and driving people from the Temple.  The scripture passage doesn’t say he yelled, but it is hard to imagine this being a quiet exchange.  How does this picture of Jesus fit with the image of Jesus you hold in your mind?

Notes on the text:

Because Jewish pilgrims travelled to Jerusalem from all over the Roman Empire, they brought with them many different types of coinage which had to be exchanged for the Temple coinage in order to pay the Temple tax.  Likewise, having travelled great distances under harsh conditions, most pilgrims did not bring their own animals for a sacrificial offering so they needed to buy an animal to offer as a sacrifice.  Money-changers and vendors had taken what was once a service to pilgrims and turned it into a profitable business.

Verse 13 references Isaiah 56:7 & Jeremiah 7:11.

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