Monday, March 17, 2014

Daily Scripture Reflection - March 17

March 17

Daniel 9:4b-10

Luke 6:36-38

By Deacon Norm     I am so grateful for my Deacon family helping me with these reflections. The following is from my daughter Laruen who grew up at St Joseph/St Raphael.  She was chairperson of our high school core team with Katie Davis and Chris Carter and made lifelong friends.  She is now a Spiritual Director in Pittsburgh who trained in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.

Reflection, Monday March 17

Today’s readings could be a conversation between us and the Lord. We confess our sins in the first reading, beg for mercy in the Psalm response, and Jesus responds in the Gospel. And at first, his answer seems blunt. You don’t want to be judged? Stop judging. You want mercy? Show mercy. “The measure you use will be measured out to you.” As we consider our imperfection, our inability to act at all times as God would desire us to act, this seems harsh. It is humbling and a bit painful to consider the measure we use for others measured back to us – except that Jesus tells us that measure will be “packed together, shaken down, and overflowing.” Can you picture the lavish abundance of this image? Can you imagine the generosity of this overflowing measure, this love that doesn’t count the cost? Yes, our actions count, what we do matters, and then God will magnify that, and will pour back into our laps so much more than we give.  I feel my heart expanding and my sense of generosity increase as I contemplate this overflowing return, and I hope the same for you.

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