Friday, March 14, 2014



1ST Friday of Lent

Read Matthew 21:28-32

In this parable, Jesus reminds us that our actions speak louder than words.  How did the actions of the two sons demonstrate their obedience to their father?  How did the actions of the priests and scribes demonstrate their faith in God?

How do your actions show that you are a follower of Christ?  Do you say that you believe or do you demonstrate that you believe?

Notes on the text:

This passage is the first of 3 consecutive parables which refer to the judgment of Israel.  The religious authority, the ones who believe they are following God, are the first son who says he will go to the vineyard but doesn’t.  The sinners who have come to repentance either through John the Baptist’s preaching or through Jesus’ teaching are the second son who refused to go at first, then went.  They are the ones doing the Father’s will.

The scores of people who repented at the preaching of John should have indicated to the religious establishment that the kingdom of God was at hand.  See Isaiah 29:18-19.

“The way of righteousness” – John was an acetic who wore a rough camel’s hair garment, fasted regularly, and preached repentance, baptism, and a strict adherence to the ethical code of Israel.  Yet despite these outward signs that John was sent by God, the religious authorities refused to believe.

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