Thursday of Holy Week
Read Matthew 27:32-44.
Jesus’ female disciples watch the crucifixion. Imagine their suffering. Think of a time when you saw someone
suffering. How did you feel and what did
you do?
Which parts of Jesus’ suffering touch you the most? Why?
Notes on the text:
Cyrene was the capital of the Roman province Cyrenaica on
the north coast of Africa. It was home
to a large community of Greek-speaking Jews.
Simon could have possibly journeyed to Jerusalem for the Passover, a pilgrimage
Jews tried to make at least once in their lives.
Verse 34: Mark’s text reads “myrrh,” not “gall.” Myrrh was a narcotic used as a sedative to
shorten the length of crucifixion and reduce the suffering.
Those being crucified were stripped naked and their
clothing, a precious commodity, was given to their executioners.
It was typical for prisoners to have a sign hung over their
head stating their offense which merited crucifixion. This served as a warning to others who might
be thinking of committing such an offense.
The mocking taunts echo the charges leveled against Jesus in
the trial by the Sanhedrin in 26:61 and also the temptations Jesus faced in the
wilderness in 4:3, 6.
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